Interviewing is an art and a skill and one which many of us have to train, develop and practice to become effective at. Crew agents, yacht managers ...
Read more >While many people start out in their careers with clear goals and aspirations, many more evolve into new roles and find themselves in positions where they are ...
Read more >This phrase has been uttered so many times by Captains and CEO’s alike. Who do you speak to when you are the person at the top? As ...
Read more >Whenever we run a HELM course, we always ask the question: ‘As a leader on board what are your biggest challenges?’ Without fail 99% of responses are ...
Read more >Whether in the workplace, at school or in our personal lives, research shows that those who understand and manage their emotions well, are more successful. A piece of ...
Read more >How much learning do we expect our crew to do once they are in a job? According to research, most of it! To ensure that real learning takes place and ...
Read more >If you’d rather find us at an event near you, then here are the places we’ll be in the next few months.
We will be attending the MYBA Charter Show in San Remo - let us know if you plan to be there and let's meet up for a coffee!
We are now taking bookings for our IAMI GUEST accredited Advanced Leadership course, to be held over 4 consecutive Saturdays. Call us today to secure your place as numbers are limited.